Weirdo comment issue on my "real" blog is still an issue. Internet Explorer will not allow you to comment. It just knows I hate IE*, I guess. Ugh. There is a reason that thing is called Internet Exploder. So I'm trying to fix it, albeit not terribly successfully.
After poking around support forums and whatnot for two hours, I've discovered that a bunch of people are having trouble with IE not allowing comments. But I haven't discovered how to fix it. Crappity Crap Crap Crap. Oh I hate IE more than ever now. If you want to comment on my "real" blog, you can get a real browser like Firefox or Google Chrome if you want. Or you can wait for me to figure it out. Until I figure it out you can put comments for my "real" blog posts here on this blog. They get mailed to me, so I'll actually see them, and if my brain will cooperate at the moment, I'll add it in to the comments there.
Crappity Crap Crap Crap more. I was going to get my blogger blog here to pull the posts from my "real" blog into posts here so yall can comment here if you want. Sadly, that's not so easy. I have yet to figure it out. Well, as posts anyway. I did pull the feed in and it's on the top left there. Not quite what I wanted. Bad luck, I tell ya, and it's them gods. ;) I'll give it another whack later. Oh, and if anyone knows how to do this, please please please let me know. I'll be indebted to you forever and share my worldly wealth with you. *coff* I'll just have to cut the nickel in half with a chisel.
*I have no problem with YOU using IE. I just hate it with a passion that burns like a flame in the night. I should no doubt get a new hobby.
I just left a comment on your main blog, but it doesn't look like it got published and I can't tell if you have comment moderation on or not.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I did your photo meme on my regular, Wandering Coyote blog. Thanks!
PS: I use Firefox...
Hey WC, it seems to have been eaten by the comment monster. In spite of Firefox. *sigh*
Can I beat it with a stick? I have a new hickory stick...errrrr... cane.
Thanks for letting me know! I'll have to pop over and see the photo meme too.
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