Friday, January 2, 2009

Bah humbug

Oh, I mean, Happy New Year!

I'm just bah humbugging  because I get errors whenever I try to comment on a blogspot blog that has the popup captcha thingo. So I can't comment on a bunch of blogs. Fiddlesticks. Ironic, considering that for a while my personal blog kept people with IE from commenting.  Isn't technology wonderful??? hehe


Anonymous said...

:( that sucks

Unknown said...

i get those errors, too. it leaves me feeling very much less than adequate.

anyway- happy new year

Immi said...

Yeah, SWQ, it sucks. WS - I just feel like my browser is not IE. LOL Happy New Year :)

Marj aka Thriver said...

I'm pretty "bah humbug" and frustrated with technology myself right I thought I'd just cruise around and say hello at some blogs. Hello!